What do you need to become a Host Family?

Hosting an Au Pair might be the perfect solution for all those families who want to discover a new culture and need someone to help them with their children. However, not every family has what it takes to welcome an Au Pair. Much like the Au Pairs, they need to meet certain requirements.

Requirements to become a host family

The rules to become a host family are different in each country. Since India does not have an official Au Pair program, you only need to meet the general program requirements. Your family needs to…

  1. Have at least one child under the age of 18
    The Au Pair’s main duty during this exchange is to take care of the family’s children. Some of his/her tasks include driving the children to school, preparing snacks for them, keeping their bedroom in order and playing with them.
  2. Have bedroom for their Au Pair
    Everyone needs their own private space, even Au Pairs. Your family needs to have a spare room where their Au Pair can sleep and spend his/her “alone time”. The bedroom cannot be used for other activities or be shared with another person.
  3. Be able to afford the costs of hosting an Au Pair
    You will need to pay a salary to your Au Pair, provide him/her with accommodation and meals during the stay and in some cases pay for the health insurance.
  4. Have a different nationality
    One of the goals of the Au Pair program is to promote cultural enrichment. For this reason, you need to have a different nationality and language from your Au Pair. Although this is not an official regulation in most countries, it is something expected by those taking part in the experience.
  5. Welcome your Au Pair!
    As a host family, you will be the connection between your Au Pair and your culture! Be sure to be a great host and help him/hear learn more about your country and feel like it is his/her second home.

If you have what it takes to welcome an Au Pair into your family do not hesitate and register with us at AuPair.com. There you will be able to connect to users from all over the world and find the best candidate for your family.